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Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

A survey by the Smith Institute for Hiddush ahead of the 15th of Av: two-thirds of the Jewish public in Israel support legislation that would abolish the Orthodox monopoly on marriage and allow freedom of marriage in Israel. This includes 68% of Likud voters and 41% of the voters of Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties. If they had a choice - only 15% of the secular public would marry in an Orthodox marriage

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Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers

Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers

Anyone who thinks that ultra-Orthodox enlistment can be enforced through criminal sanctions and imprisonment is deluding themselves

Protecting the Rule of Law, Public Coffers and the Future of Israel

Protecting the Rule of Law, Public Coffers and the Future of Israel

Hiddush filed a petition against the government's attempt to implement coalition agreements signed with the ultra-Orthodox parties

Hiddush Challenges “Coalition Funds”

Hiddush Challenges “Coalition Funds”

Hiddush submitted a petition against the attempt to transfer millions to the budget of the ultra-Orthodox school networks; and a petition that stopped the allocation of "Deri's food tickets"

The Efforts to Promote Utah Online Marriage Continue

The Efforts to Promote Utah Online Marriage Continue

Hiddush gives legal counsel to couples who seek to marry using the Online Marriage platform in Utah

“Drawing a Red Line against Religious Coercion

“Drawing a Red Line against Religious Coercion": Public Transportation on Shabbat

The light rail began operating in Tel Aviv will operate only five and a half days a week, and not on Shabbat

The Struggle Against Dictatorship and a “Torah State”

The Struggle Against Dictatorship and a “Torah State”

The Hiddush team is ready to contribute our part in the struggle against the legal overhaul that seeks to change the backbone of democracy in Israel

From the Legal Trenches

From the Legal Trenches

1. Freedom of Marriage: In the last newsletter we reported on Hiddush’s legal breakthrough, which brought Israel closer than ever before to realizing freedom of marriage.

Shavuot: A Time to Advocate for Religious Freedom and Equality

Shavuot: A Time to Advocate for Religious Freedom and Equality

On the Festival Celebrating the Torah – It’s Time for Religious Freedom and Equality

Rockets and Resilience in Israel

Rockets and Resilience in Israel

As we were preparing this newsletter, missiles were leaving a trail of smoke and fire, the Iron Dome was in full action, mortar bombs, planes and drones were flying overhead. Over 1,200 missiles have been fired by the Islamic Jihad from Gaza towards the towns in the south and center of the country, and again Israel found itself in a cycle of war that returns annually again and again. Thankfully, a cease fire has been brokered with Egypt’s active engagement, but as of yet, no real solution seems to be in sight or is being seriously considered.

An Important Perspective from the Protest in Israel

An Important Perspective from the Protest in Israel

We share with you a translation of one of the most instructive and concise texts we have read recently, the words delivered by Prof. Moti Segev from the Technion on April 29th, 2023, at the weekly demonstration of thousands held in Haifa. His words offer a genuine and compelling perspective from the protest movement, conveying nuances and emotions beyond what you may have read and heard until now.….

What Does the Public Really Think About Religion and State in Israel?

What Does the Public Really Think About Religion and State in Israel?

Since its establishment in 2009, Hiddush has published a unique annual report called the "Religion and State Index", which is based on a comprehensive survey and a large representative sample of the adult Jewish public in Israel. Its findings, which are published every year just before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year [you can find the 2022 index report here], have been demonstrating for years that the politicians' cynical statements about the public's support for the "status quo" on matters of religion and state (and especially the false declarations by the speakers of the current coalition that the results of the last elections prove the public's preference for a traditional and religious country ) are completely baseless. A large and consistent majority expresses support for the principle of freedom of religion and conscience guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence and its opposition to every element of religious coercion and excess privileges granted to the ultra-Orthodox sector.

Between Freedom and Independence

Between Freedom and Independence

We have just concluded the celebration of Passover, the Festival of Freedom, and next week we will celebrate Israeli Independence Day. Both holidays have an added special meaning this year. The festival of freedom reminds us that freedom is not granted without a struggle, and Independence Day heightens our awareness that independence gained by blood 75 years ago is likewise not to be taken for granted nor guaranteed forever.

Another submission for civil burial in Modi'in

Another submission for civil burial in Modi'in

Another submission for civil burial in Modi'in

Update from Supreme Court Hearing on Registration of “Utah Marriages”

Update from Supreme Court Hearing on Registration of “Utah Marriages”

On Monday, January 30, 2023, the Supreme Court held a hearing on the State's appeal regarding the registration of Utah marriages in the Israeli population registry, as the population authority is required to do for civil marriages of Israelis that take place in all other countries of the world

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