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Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

The Supreme court accepted a petition by Hiddush, which addressed the attempt by Rabbi Deri, leader of Shas, to funnel hundreds of millions of shekels annually to support voters of ultra-Orthodox parties under the guise of caring for food security

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The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses

The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses

We are pleased to present to you the analysis report prepared by Hiddush on the religion and state clauses in Israel's 2015 coalition agreements. The document deals with budgets matters; education; freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.

Support for public transporation on Shabbat at highest level ever

Support for public transporation on Shabbat at highest level ever

What gives Israel its Jewish character? Is it liberty, justice and peace, as taught by the Hebrew Prophets, or is it the lack of public transportation on Shabbat, which greatly restricts the weakest sectors of Israeli society?

Revolution in Rabbinate’s Kashrut Regulations, following Hiddush’s Battle

Revolution in Rabbinate’s Kashrut Regulations, following Hiddush’s Battle

The Chief Rabbinate updates its kashrut regulations for hotels, hostels and event halls to be in accordance with Israeli law. Finally, kashrut certification will only be granted upon the basis of whether the food is kosher or not!

Justice Joubran asserts state funded school networks subject to Propaganda Law

Justice Joubran asserts state funded school networks subject to Propaganda Law

Justice Joubran: "Common sense and reason cannot tolerate Shas’s legal interpretation, according to which a teacher could influence a student’s parents." Rabbi Regev: “This is an important precedent that will affect a host of educational networks and future elections campaigns. The mobilization of armies of teachers has been prohibited.”

Ultra-Orthodox parties' history of voters' faith manipulation

Ultra-Orthodox parties' history of voters' faith manipulation

Since 1988, the ultra-Orthodox parties have been promising rabbinic blessings, making threats and gifting "mystical" amulets to voters who commit to support them in the elections. The Knesset and the Supreme Court have set legal prohibitions against this, but the bribery and manipulation has continued.

Rabbi Blau, Stop threatening haredi women!

Rabbi Blau, Stop threatening haredi women!

Rabbi Mordechai blau publicly threatened ultra-Orthodox women with terrible consequences against their families and livelihoods, should they choose to run for office. Hiddush respond swiftly by urging the Attorney General to investigage Rabbi Blau for extortion!

Core of the Core Curriculum: Chewed up, Spit out

Core of the Core Curriculum: Chewed up, Spit out

Despite a 2013 Knesset Law, promoted by the Yesh Atid Party, which required all state funded schools to teach core curricular studies, Minister of Education Shay Piron (a senior member of the Yesh Atid Party) delayed its implementation until well past the next Israeli elections... and Hiddush publicly exposed it.

'Jewish Home' Party exerted pressure upon local pols: Appoint our people

'Jewish Home' Party exerted pressure upon local pols: Appoint our people

The Knesset Interior Committee held a meeting to investigate accusations that the Jewish Home party led by Religious Services Minister Naftali Bennett exerted undue pressure upon local politicians to grant political favors to Jewish Home Party supporters by appointing them to administrate local religious councils.

Hiddush to Knesset: Voters Want Change

Hiddush to Knesset: Voters Want Change

Hiddush Vice President of Research and Information Shahar Ilan provided all Knesset Members with Hiddush's detailed analysis of the 2014 Israel Religion and State Index. It's clear that the voters want change - but the Knesset has been dragging its feet.

Hiddush Releases 2014 Israel Religion and State Index; Strong desire for involvement of world Jewry in efforts for freedom of marriage

Hiddush Releases 2014 Israel Religion and State Index; Strong desire for involvement of world Jewry in efforts for freedom of marriage

Public support for freedom of religion and equality in Israel is rapidly growing. The vast majority of Israeli Jews support joint efforts between Israel and world Jewry for freedom of marriage in Israel.

Hiddush report exposes Israeli government's misleading claims about ultra-Orthodox enlistment to the IDF

Hiddush report exposes Israeli government's misleading claims about ultra-Orthodox enlistment to the IDF

Contrary to the claims of Science and Technology Minister Yaakov Peri, Hiddush's report demonstrates that the number of IDF recruits plummeted by close to 50% in the first half of 2014.

Hiddush analysis shows Israelis are increasingly marrying abroad to avoid Chief Rabbinate monopoly

Hiddush analysis shows Israelis are increasingly marrying abroad to avoid Chief Rabbinate monopoly

Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics recently published select data on marriages of Israelis in Israel and abroad. The Chief Rabbinate was quick to declare that the data proves that 96% of Israeli Jews marry through them. Hiddush's analysis of the data shows the full picture.

Hiddush's research and advocacy results in greater female representation in Israel's religious establishment

Hiddush's research and advocacy results in greater female representation in Israel's religious establishment

Hiddush's consistent efforts to implement gender equality in Israel's religious establishment and surrounding research have begun to pay off.

Join Hiddush in celebrating the Festival of Freedom!

Join Hiddush in celebrating the Festival of Freedom!

Hiddush is pleased to offer our friends and followers the 2014 Passover Supplement. This year, we renew the call for freedom of marriage and divorce in Israel for Israelis and all world Jewry!

Rabbi Uri Regev calls on Minister Lapid to keep tabs on Rabbi Pinto's earnings

Rabbi Uri Regev calls on Minister Lapid to keep tabs on Rabbi Pinto's earnings

Hiddush CEO calls on Israeli Finance Minister to increase supervision over funds flowing into the pockets of "Rabbis of the Stars" to prevent further criminal actions.

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