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Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

A survey by the Smith Institute for Hiddush ahead of the 15th of Av: two-thirds of the Jewish public in Israel support legislation that would abolish the Orthodox monopoly on marriage and allow freedom of marriage in Israel. This includes 68% of Likud voters and 41% of the voters of Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties. If they had a choice - only 15% of the secular public would marry in an Orthodox marriage

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2018 Israel Religion & State Index

2018 Israel Religion & State Index

As in previous years, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, Hiddush is proud to publish its annual Israel Religion & State Index, now in its tenth year.

84% want to enshrine the principle of equality into a Constitutional Law

84% want to enshrine the principle of equality into a Constitutional Law

Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s refusal – 84% of the public wants to anchor the principle of equality into a Constitutional Law. Also: parties that herald giving the Declaration of Independence constitutional force would receive additional public support.

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

This week, Hiddush received a statement from the Office of the Attorney General, confirming that our request had been received and that detailed instructions had been given to the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, regarding the official restrictions imposed upon him in his handling of kashrut issues due to a conflict of interest.

81% support same-sex marriage or couples' registrations

81% support same-sex marriage or couples' registrations

Most of the public supports the state's recognition of same-sex marriage and their right to have children.

Chabad's illegal outreach at Ben Gurion Airport

Chabad's illegal outreach at Ben Gurion Airport

Chabad Lubavitch is a unique phenomenon in Jewish history and the Jewish community. Much can and should be said in their praise, but at the same time, it should be recognized that both theologically and operationally they are highly controversial.

Politicians attempt to castrate the Supreme Court

Politicians attempt to castrate the Supreme Court

The Israeli public trusts the Supreme Court, not Israel's politicians, according to a survey recently commissioned by Hiddush, in light of politicians' recent attempt to castrate the High Court of Justice, in order to prevent the Court from mandating that the State of Israel enlist yeshiva students and to allow the Government Coalition to enact additional discriminatory laws according to the ultra-Orthodox parties' demands without fear of these being ruled illegal by the High Court of Justice.

Hiddush on the battlefront

Hiddush on the battlefront

This week we started action on behalf of a former Haredi man who is serving in the IDF and faces discrimination, as well as on behalf of a school and a PTA who have confronted a zealous religious fundamentalist who is trying to tempt their students to "experience Judaism" his way.

Female soldiers excluded from Israel's honor guards

Female soldiers excluded from Israel's honor guards

Hiddush appealed to Defense Minister Lieberman, Chief of Staff Eizenkot and Chair of the Ministerial Committee for Ceremonies and Symbols - Culture Minister Regev, demanding that female soldiers be fully included in official state ceremonies, including the ceremonies for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day).

60% of State funds for

60% of State funds for "youth at risk" go to ultra-Orthodox

Hiddush’s mission to advance religious freedom and equality includes an attempt to identify and eliminate “pork barreling” in the religion-state arena, especially when they masquerade as ‘holy.’ Hiddush is in court now to get to the bottom of the use of scarce public funds available to address the challenge of children at risk.

Hiddush Survey for International Women's Day

Hiddush Survey for International Women's Day

72% of the Israeli public believes that all political parties running for seats in the Knesset, including the ultra-Orthodox parties, should be required to include female candidates on their party candidates lists and allow women to become party members. 88% favor integrating women into the IDF [69% support the inclusion of women in every possible role, including in combat, and another 19% support their integration into all non-combat roles]. 12% oppose enlisting women into the army at all.

79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students

79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students

A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

Thanks to Hiddush - a serious loophole closed

Thanks to Hiddush - a serious loophole closed

Just this week, on Tuesday, following Hiddush's petition, the Knesset approved regulations that would, for the first time, put a halt to the mass phenomenon of false claims of religiosity aimed at receiving exemptions from military service. Thousands of young women are exempted from IDF service every year on the basis of false affidavits claiming that their religious lifestyles prevent them from serving in the army, even though they lead secular lives.

The Knesset's pending vote on the Convenience Store Bill

The Knesset's pending vote on the Convenience Store Bill

Hiddush sent all members of the Knesset the following report in advance of the Knesset vote on operating convenience stores on Shabbat in Israel. What does the public think of the Government's acquiescence to the ultra-Orthodox parties' demands to use legislative and policy channels in order to pass a law against operating local businesses on Shabbat?

72% of the Israeli public supports permitting work on Shabbat

72% of the Israeli public supports permitting work on Shabbat

72% of the public opposes the dictates of the ultra-Orthodox parties and supports permitting work on Shabbat

Thousands continue to receive IDF exemptions for false religious claims

Thousands continue to receive IDF exemptions for false religious claims

Six years after the enactment of the law to establish an administrative process for revoking thousands of women's falsely obtained exemptions for having religious beliefs that conflict with IDF service, the process of approving the regulations to prevent such women from dodging the draft has not occurred, despite the continued phony claims of religious values.

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