"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.” Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot All quotes »
"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.”
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
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16/07/2012 15:19
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04/10/2011 14:42
Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev remarks “The reality which denies the basic human right of marriage to hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens is intolerable.”
02/03/2011 12:38
The Jerusalem Institute of Justice petitioned the High Court to cancel the Civil Union Bill for Israelis with no religious affiliation
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