Search results for tag " US"

  • B'nei Brak residents prohibited from driving home
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/03/2020
    Hiddush is handling a new request we received from a group of people, including seniors and some who are partially disabled, who have been living in Bnei Brak for decades, on a street that is home for both religious and secular residents.

  • What’s behind the spread of Coronavirus among Haredim?
    Written by on 19/03/2020
    Since Israel’s Coronavirus-related restrictions were announced, even until last night, it appears that Israel’s ultra-Orthodox population is inclined to ignore the guidelines of the health and police authorities, and there have been many cases of infection reported among this population.

  • Excluding non-Orthodox and non-Jewish from municipality website is illegal!
    Written by on 25/02/2020
    Hiddush – For Religious Freedom and Equality submitted a petition to court, challenging the Jerusalem Municipality’s illegal exclusion of those synagogues that represent Reform, Conservative, egalitarian Orthodox, and other independent Jewish communities, as well as non-Jewish religious institutions (primarily Muslim and Christian) from the “Religion and Tradition” section of the municipal website, which only includes information about Orthodox synagogues and institutions.

  • Vision Statement: Israel as a Jewish democratic state
    Written by on 24/02/2020
    The following statement is issued by a diverse group of Jews in Israel and the Diaspora*, all of whom greatly admire and appreciate the tremendous achievements of the State of Israel. We, who are committed to Israel’s growing strength and vitality, as well as its bonds with world Jewry, hold that Israel's unfulfilled promise of complete freedom of religion and conscience can no longer be left to politics alone.

  • Political parties’ commitment to religious freedom will help at polls
    Written by on 19/02/2020
    The formula for success in Israel’s March ’20 elections: Declare your party’s commitment to the fight for religious freedom & equality. 54% of the Israeli Jewish public responded that such a commitment by the parties running for election would increase the likelihood of their voting for those parties.

  • Haredi leadership's responses to Hiddush Supreme Court petition
    Written by Uri Regev on 07/02/2020
    The Israeli ultra-Orthodox media’s reaction to Hiddush’s petition to the Israeli Supreme Court on the matter of the State’s failure to ensure that upwards of 40,000 children in Jerusalem receive educations at legal, state recognized schools was predictably full of vitriol.

  • One of every Seven Jerusalem children attend unregistered schools!
    Written by on 05/02/2020
    In violation of the law and ignoring both the Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality - more than 40,000 children in Jerusalem study in schools that operate without licenses! Hiddush and Jerusalem City Council Member Dr. Laura Wharton petitioned the Supreme Court, demanding that Israel’s law of compulsory education be enforced in the city.

  • Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists
    Written by on 09/01/2020
    Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

  • Survey: recognition of non-Jewish family members under Law of Return
    Written by on 06/01/2020
    62% of Israel’s adult Jewish public does not consider religious conversion through the Chief Rabbinate as a necessary condition for recognizing the Jewishness of immigrants who are the family members of Jews but whose mothers are not Jewish.

  • Where are Israeli Jews now on Religion & State?
    Written by on 12/12/2019
    The “Status Quo” is an affront to the will of the public: 63% want a civil unity government; 71% support public transportation on the Sabbath; 69% support establishing civil marriage and divorce in Israel

  • Hiddush survey for International Human Rights Day
    Written by on 09/12/2019
    The right to freedom of movement: 71% support public transportation on Saturday. The right to family: 69% support civil marriage in Israel. Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the operation of public transportation on Saturdays and the establishment of civil marriage in Israel. This is not just politics. It’s about violations of basic human rights.

  • 63% of Israeli public wants a civil unity government
    Written by on 03/12/2019
    The public’s position remains stable and very, very clear: 63% of Israel’s adult Jewish public wants a civil unity government, which will promote religious freedom and equality, and which will not be dependent upon the religious parties, nor submit to their demands on issues of religion and state.

  • "The orthodox status quo in Israel cannot hold any longer"
    Written by on 23/10/2019
    We were gratified to read a recent op-ed in the popular conservative Canadian National Post written by Canada’s former Ambassador to Israeli Vivian Bercovici. She subsequently made Aliyah and now resides in Tel Aviv.

  • Impact of ‘religious freedom’ upon the Israeli elections
    Written by Uri Regev on 11/10/2019
    Avigdor Lieberman has emerged as the great victor of the elections (despite the small size of his party – 8 seats), for his party has turned out to be the determining factor in the balance of the coalition negotiation efforts.

  • 2019 Israel Religion & State Index and post-election survey
    Written by on 26/09/2019
    84% Adult Israeli Jews support religious freedom and equality of civic burden; 74% oppose government’s activities in religion-state; 63% want a civil coalition, which does not depend on the ultra-Orthodox parties and advances religious freedom and equality; 64% support equal status for the non-Orthodox Jewish streams and Diaspora Jewish engagement in advancing religious freedom and equality in Israel; wide support (62%-84%) for the principles of the Vision Statement on Israel as Jewish and democratic state.

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