Search results for tag " US"

  • Where Does the Israeli Public Stand?
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/08/2022
    Where does the Jewish Israeli public stand on the controversial issues of religion and state? We will soon publish Hiddush’s annual Religion and State Index, which provides a comprehensive overview of the many topics included in this broad category. But in the meantime, we conducted a survey more limited in scope, on two key questions that are on the public and political agenda.

  • Hiddush in the US International Religious Freedom Report
    Written by on 16/06/2022
    Hiddush appears prominently in the International Religious Freedom Report for Israel, West Bank, and Gaza which was released on June 3rd by the United States Department of State.

  • The Weekly Scandal: “Blow up the Supreme Court”
    Written by Uri Regev on 10/05/2022
    There is hardly a week that goes by without a scandal or a struggle over religion and state. The weekly scandal, which accompanied last week's Independence Day celebration, is the video clip in which MK Yitzhak Pindrus, chair of the UTJ (United Torah Judaism, the Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox faction in the Knesset) is seen expressing his desire to blow up the Supreme Court: “You know what my dream is? To bring a D9 [bulldozer] and blow up the building.”

  • What has not changed in the last year from previous years?
    Written by on 14/04/2022
    How much has changed (or not changed) since last year in the arena of religion & state in Israel?

  • Israel needs to fight for true freedom of religion
    Written by Uri Regev on 11/04/2022
    What Idit Silman, et al., describe as a Jewish identity is the identity of a small minority in the state of Israel and an even smaller minority among world Jewry.

  • 54% Israelis: IDF soldiers have right to eat chametz
    Written by on 17/03/2022
    In light of the public and political battle that accompanies the petition Hiddush submitted (on behalf of itself, the Secular Forum, and a group of parents of IDF soldiers) to reduce the sweeping ban against leavened foods during Passover on IDF bases, Hiddush decided to survey the positions of Israel’s adult Jewish public on this matter.

  • Court rules against rabbinical court judge for "Writ of Refusal"
    Written by on 09/12/2021
    Hiddush's legal advocacy continues, with its submission of a petition to the Supreme Court against the IDF for religiously coercing soldiers to keep kosher on Passover, as well as yet another petition on behalf of an Israeli couple married legally via videoconference in Utah County, Utah.

  • Hiddush on the legal front
    Written by on 11/11/2021
    Hiddush continues its legal advocacy for religious freedom on multiple fronts, in addition to public opinion polling, making presentations at Knesset committees and fighting for religious freedom and equality in the court of public opinion.

  • The Haredi vitriol: An ongoing saga
    Written by Uri Regev on 14/10/2021
    In the last newsletter, we wrote about “the obsession that characterizes the attitude of the ultra-Orthodox parties towards the non-Orthodox denominations in particular, and to freedom of religion and Jewish pluralism in general.”

  • Hiddush battling for civil burial in Court
    Written by on 30/09/2021
    Today in court there was good news and bad news. On the one hand, the Justices of the Supreme Court that heard the petition praised Hiddush’s initiative, which prompted the Ministry of Religious Services to speed up its handling of the issue. On the other hand, the court considered the petition too broad and encouraged Hiddush to file separate and concrete petitions in relation to localities.

  • 2021 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 02/09/2021
    Hiddush released its annual Israel Religion and State Index. This is the 13th Index published by Hiddush since its inception in 2009, published annually on the eve of Rosh HaShanah. The Index is the only systematic and in-depth periodic review of Israel’s adult Jewish public’s attitudes on matters of religion and state.

  • Contrary to Orthodox politicians - Public for marriage freedom
    Written by on 28/07/2021
    Last week, on the Jewish calendar, we marked Tu b’Av (the 15th day of the month of Av), which can be likened to Valentine’s Day in the USA. Hiddush commissioned a special survey on marriage freedom in commemoration of the holiday, which was well covered in the Hebrew and English media.

  • MK Rabbi Kariv and Reform Judaism – like pigs
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/07/2021
    The political discourse has descended to new lows this week. United Torah Judaism MK Meir Porush likened Reform Jews and Labor MK Gilad Kariv, a Reform rabbi, to pigs. He spoke in reaction to the appointment of Kariv as chairman of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

  • Joint statement protesting desecration of siddurim at the Kotel
    Written by on 14/06/2021
    Dozens of ultra-Orthodox extremists harassed Women of the Wall worshipers at their monthly service at the Western Wall on Friday, June 11, 2021. Following this hateful incident, JPLAN (the Jewish Pluralism Legal Action Network), and RUACH HIDDUSH (Rabbis and Cantors for Religious Freedom and Equality in Israel) called for charges to be brought against those responsible.

  • 59% of Israeli public opposes ultra-Orthodox parties in coalition
    Written by on 01/06/2021
    Against the background of the “change government” that is taking shape and news regarding Bennet and Lapid hoping to add the ultra-Orthodox to their coalition, the question as to whether the ultra-Orthodox parties should be included in the coalition arises again.

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