Search results for tag " US"

  • 2019 Israel Religion & State Index and post-election survey
    Written by on 26/09/2019
    84% Adult Israeli Jews support religious freedom and equality of civic burden; 74% oppose government’s activities in religion-state; 63% want a civil coalition, which does not depend on the ultra-Orthodox parties and advances religious freedom and equality; 64% support equal status for the non-Orthodox Jewish streams and Diaspora Jewish engagement in advancing religious freedom and equality in Israel; wide support (62%-84%) for the principles of the Vision Statement on Israel as Jewish and democratic state.

  • Israeli Elections, Religion, State and American Jewry
    Written by Uri Regev on 12/09/2019
    Israel has never experienced a similar opportunity to end the decades-old fundamentalist Orthodox hold over its religious Jewish life.

  • 64% Israeli Jews want broad civil coalition, without Haredi parties
    Written by on 05/09/2019
    53% say they are more likely to vote for a party that commits to promote religious freedom and equality of civic burden. 66% say that it is important for them that the party they will vote for advance these values.

  • 68% of the Israeli public supports freedom of choice in marriage
    Written by on 13/08/2019
    A large majority of voters for Israel’s civil parties, including the Likud, want freedom of marriage, and given the central role that religion/state issues are playing in the current election campaign - We may be closer than ever before to forming a coalition that will finally grant Israelis this fundamental right.

  • Hiddush in the legal trenches
    Written by on 01/08/2019
    Hiddush legal advocacy ranges from cases dealing with the abuse of religious IDF draft exemptions for young women to elderly hot dog vendors who legally operate their carts in Jerusalem on Friday night.

  • Hiddush's next battle over pluralistic burial in Israel
    Written by on 18/07/2019
    Hiddush submitted a new petition aimed at further expanding religious freedom in Israel in general and pluralistic burial alternatives in particular.

  • 60% of Israel’s adult Jewish public wants national unity government
    Written by on 10/07/2019
    60% of Israel’s adult Jewish public supports Avigdor Lieberman's intention to establish a broad national unity government without the ultra-Orthodox parties, including 94% of blue and white voters. 53% of Israel's adult Jewish public may decide who to vote for on the basis of the party’s commitment to promote religious freedom and equality of the burden.

  • 74% Israeli public prefers civil government coalition
    Written by on 12/06/2019
    74% of the Israeli public prefers a civil government based on a partnership between Likud and the Blue-&-White party, independent of the ultra-Orthodox parties’ dictates. 68% of the Israeli public wants the party it votes for to fight for the advancement of religious freedom and equality of the civic burden.

  • 78% support marriage or registration for same-sex couples
    Written by on 06/06/2019
    More than half of the Zionist Orthodox public (54%) supports the establishment of recognized same-sex partnerships. 73% of the general public believes that if marriage or registration for same-sex couples were to be recognized in Israel, these couples must have all or most of the rights of all other couples.

  • Most Israelis prefer a unity gov't with Likud and Blue & White
    Written by on 23/04/2019
    66% of the public prefers a Likud-Blue-&-White coalition to promote freedom of religion and equality, rather than a narrow government dependent on the ultra-Orthodox.

  • 65% Israelis want a civil government
    Written by on 22/03/2019
    65% of the adult Jewish public wants a civil government, which is not dependent on the ultra-Orthodox parties, and which could promote freedom of religion and equality of the civic burden.

  • 52% more likely to vote for a party that commits to religious freedom
    Written by on 31/01/2019
    64% of undecided voters said that they are more likely to vote for a party that will commit itself to promoting freedom of religion and equality of civic burden. So too, 52% of the adult Jewish public.

  • 52% more likely to vote for a party that commits to religious freedom
    Written by on 31/01/2019
    64% of undecided voters said that they are more likely to vote for a party that will commit itself to promoting freedom of religion and equality of civic burden. So too, 52% of the adult Jewish public.

  • What they do not see: Rabbinate and marriages in Israel
    Written by Uri Regev on 18/01/2019
    The Religious Services Ministry refuses to acknowledge the fact that growing circles reject the Rabbinate and prefer alternative marriages.

  • Kosher slaughter now illegal in Belgium
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/01/2019
    With the turn of 2019, kosher slaughter in the northern Flanders region of Belgium, home to half of the country’s Jewish population and a major supplier of meat for European Jewish communities, became officially illegal.

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