Search results for tag "Haredi education"

  • Hiddush supports Initiative to cut support for school networks
    Written by on 02/06/2022
    You cannot have your cake and eat it, too: to claim on the one hand that the ultra-Orthodox educational networks are fulfilling their commitment to teach 100% of the core studies, and on the other hand to refuse participation in external objective examinations.

  • Haredi education and Israel's future - will elections bring change?
    Written by on 10/12/2020
    The state invests NIS 4.4 billion in ultra-Orthodox education, and 84% of the boys studying in ultra-Orthodox post-primary schools are at in institutions where there are no core curricular studies.

  • Haredi leadership's responses to Hiddush Supreme Court petition
    Written by Uri Regev on 07/02/2020
    The Israeli ultra-Orthodox media’s reaction to Hiddush’s petition to the Israeli Supreme Court on the matter of the State’s failure to ensure that upwards of 40,000 children in Jerusalem receive educations at legal, state recognized schools was predictably full of vitriol.

  • One of every Seven Jerusalem children attend unregistered schools!
    Written by on 05/02/2020
    In violation of the law and ignoring both the Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality - more than 40,000 children in Jerusalem study in schools that operate without licenses! Hiddush and Jerusalem City Council Member Dr. Laura Wharton petitioned the Supreme Court, demanding that Israel’s law of compulsory education be enforced in the city.

  • Israel's (and New York’s) Yeshiva Students Deserve Better
    Written by on 06/09/2018
    One of the key areas that the 2018 Israel Religion & State Index points to is the strong resentment and objection among the Israeli Jewish population in the face of the refusal of the leadership of the ultra-Orthodox community to allow a proper and effective instruction of core curricular studies in their boys’ schools.

  • Core of the Core Curriculum: Chewed up, Spit out
    Written by on 15/11/2014
    Despite a 2013 Knesset Law, promoted by the Yesh Atid Party, which required all state funded schools to teach core curricular studies, Minister of Education Shay Piron (a senior member of the Yesh Atid Party) delayed its implementation until well past the next Israeli elections... and Hiddush publicly exposed it.

  • State backs away from enforcing secular studies in haredi elementary schools
    Written by on 03/11/2014
    The government’s 2013 decision was for schools to gradually increase the total basic curriculum hours and reach 11 hours by the 2016/2017 school year.

  • Study: Haredi schools teach less than an hour a day of core studies
    Written by on 02/07/2013
    Knesset Education Committee meets to discuss amendment that would require haredi schools to teach more hours of nonreligious subjects or risk losing funding.

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