2021 Pride and Tolerance Parade in Jerusalem: A special survey
73% support State recognition of same-sex couplehood
3 out of 4 Israelis support same-sex couples receiving all the rights other couples get; 73% of the adult Jewish public in Israel support recognition of same-sex marriage (54%) or civil unions for same-sex couples (19%).
01/06/2021 11:29
Tags: Same-sex couplehood · LGBTQ · Pride Parade · same-sex marriage

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The Smith Polling Institute conducted a special survey for Hiddush - for Freedom of Religion and Equality & the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance, ahead of the Pride and Tolerance Parade in Jerusalem, which will be held on Thursday, June 3, 2021.
In response to the question: "Do you think that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry or register their civil unions in Israel? (Civil Union is not marriage, but would confer rights and obligations similar to marriage)", 73% of the respondents answered in the affirmative. Only 27% answered that same-sex couples should not be granted state recognition for their relationships in Israel. Among secular Israeli Jews, 93% support this, and even among the Zionist Orthodox there is considerable support - 39%. Also, among immigrants from the former Soviet Union, who have previously held conservative positions on LGBTQ relations, there is currently 87% support.
The support of Israel’s adult Jewish public for State recognition of same-sex couplehood is prevalent among voters of both right-wing and left-wing parties. For example, 70% of Likud voters, 85% of Blue & White voters, 65% of Yamina voters, 100% of Labor voters, and 97% of New Hope voters support it. Clearly, the majority of the voters of the emerging new government coalition all support this important policy change.
You may click HERE for data on popular support for state recognition of same-sex couplehood by level of religiosity; and click HERE for data on popular support for state recognition of same-sex couplehood by vote in the 2021 Knesset elections.
Another question asked in the survey was: "Do you think same-sex couples who maintain a domestic partnership should receive all the rights that married couples get, such as the right to surrogacy in Israel, instead of being required to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on having a child through surrogacy abroad?"
According to the findings, 74% of the adult Jewish public is of the opinion that same-sex couples should receive all the rights that married Israeli couples receive. Only 26% disagree. Clearly, almost 3 out of 4 Israeli Jews support equality for same-sex couples.
According to the findings, 74% of the adult Jewish public is of the opinion that same-sex couples should receive all the rights that married Israeli couples receive.
The opinion of the overwhelming majority of the public is clear. It supports equality for the LGBTQ community in general, and in matters of personal status and surrogacy in particular. Equally important is the fact that this high level of support is held by all the voters for all the parties that are about to comprise the new government coalition [as well as Likud voters]. If the Israeli government perpetuates discrimination against the LGBTQ community, it will not only betray the values of democracy and equality, but also its own constituents. It’s high time that Israel get a government that upholds the promise of the Declaration of Independence for freedom of religion and equal rights for all.
The survey findings are consistent with the feeling on the ground that Israeli society supports equality for the LGBTQ community. But the decisionmakers seem to be acting in a way that does not reflect the will of their voters and directly harms the LGBTQ community. This is felt when it comes to policy, legislation, and state budgets and allocations. To make a real difference, readers are invited to participate in the upcoming Pride and Tolerance Parade in Jerusalem. Join in calling for equality.
The survey was conducted by telephone between May 11-12, 2021, among a representative sample of 500 participants, representing the adult Jewish population in Israel (ages 18 and up). Sampling error ±4.5%.