Regev Responds
North American lawyers address the new government

North American lawyers address the new government

On November 30, JPLAN, a network of Jewish lawyers, judges and legal scholars from North America (the Jewish Pluralism Legal Action Network, which works to strengthen Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state in a manner that fully expresses freedom of religion and equality as promised in Israel’s Declaration of Independence) addressed the leaders of the parties currently working to form the new government.

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Jerusalem Post Op-ed: It's time to retire the Chief Rabbinate

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Huffington Post Op-ed: Why Is It so Difficult for Jews to Marry in Israel?

Huffington Post Op-ed: Why Is It so Difficult for Jews to Marry in Israel?

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Where does Yesh Atid stand on freedom of marriage?

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US Jews must fight Israel’s policy on religious freedom

US Jews must fight Israel’s policy on religious freedom

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Did The Global Jewish Forum on Haredim Face the Facts?

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What was Eli Yishai thinking?

What was Eli Yishai thinking?

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Human Rights Day in Israel

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The Haredi Establishment Versus Ruth the Moabite

The Haredi Establishment Versus Ruth the Moabite

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A Free Market for Beliefs

A Free Market for Beliefs

A Hiddush program for privatizing religious services and eliminating the monopoly on them.

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