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What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

78% are opposed to the blanket exemption of the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

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Minister Azoulay heeds his rabbis rather than his government

Minister Azoulay heeds his rabbis rather than his government

It has almost become a painful routine to update our readers on the all too frequent outrageous statements made by Israel's ultra-orthodox cabinet members and MKs, which go against all commonly accepted norms of rule of law and democracy.

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi: Women of the Wall is 'satan incarnate'

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi: Women of the Wall is 'satan incarnate'

Having already described Israel's laws and civil courts as manifestations of Satan, Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Amar has now publicly described Women of the Wall as "Satan incarnate," claiming they should be hospitalized.

Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry

Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry

Will Netanyahu seriously take a stand, confront these bigoted leaders and do something of substance against their venomous insults? Moreover, will Netanyahu do what it takes to truly ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel, and that equality and pluralism extend beyond the southern Kotel plaza?

Ministry of Religious Services budget increased by more than 100%

Ministry of Religious Services budget increased by more than 100%

The budget for the construction and renovation of buildings for religious services will be increased by 50 million NIS (123%), the budget for the Ministry of Religious Services will be increased to nearly 150%, and the budget for cemeteries will be increase by 500%. The millions budgeted for the ultra-Orthodox parties by the Likud in exchange for their political support were merely a down payment - a base level for further increases.

Analysis of Israelis from the Former Soviet Union

Analysis of Israelis from the Former Soviet Union

The graphs below show the opinions held by FSU olim in Israel, as compared to the general, Jewish Israeli public. It should go without saying that this demographic is the most adversely affected by the Orthodox Rabbinate's monopolistic powers, and there is no way one could envisage the successful absorption of the FSU immigrant population into Israel society if these issues are not resolved - first and foremost, the right to marry freely!

The phenomenon of sex segregated bus lines is growing!

The phenomenon of sex segregated bus lines is growing!

An ultra-Orthodox myth is that ultra-Orthodox women really want to sit in the back of the bus, so we shouldn’t interfere with the growing phenomenon of gender-segregated bus lines. However, ultra-Orthodox blogger Chani Weiser of B’nai Brak has recently come out publicly, challenging her community’s self-righteous claims. She does not want to sit at the back of the bus!

A threatening hint: deleting women from the public sphere

A threatening hint: deleting women from the public sphere

We are once again reminded of the deleterious impact of religious fundamentalism on gender equality. We come back to this phenomenon because its seriousness is compounded by the fact that these aberrations often represent major segments of Israel’s body politic, which have now returned to the front of the political stage.

Selling out to the ultra-Orthodox parties - what cost?

Selling out to the ultra-Orthodox parties - what cost?

UTJ was one of the first parties to sign a coalition agreement with the Likud. What are the costs to the Israeli government and taxpayers associated with this agreement?

Ultra-Orthodox women and men: Drastically diverging employment trends

Ultra-Orthodox women and men: Drastically diverging employment trends

Why are more ultra-Orthodox women in Israel employed than ever before? And why are fewer ultra-Orthodox men in Israel employed than ever before? What should be done?

Rabbi Shlomo Amar's Uncandid Candidacy

Rabbi Shlomo Amar's Uncandid Candidacy

Rabbi Shlomo Amar was elected Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem after some back room wheeling and dealing. He invited Dr. Laura Wharton and Rabbi Bandel of Meretz over during the holiday of Sukkot to secure the Meretz vote, and then he claimed not to know them.

Ultra-Orthodox Extremists Assaulting IDF Soldiers

Ultra-Orthodox Extremists Assaulting IDF Soldiers

In ultra-Orthodox cities and neighborhoods, IDF soldiers get assaulted with jeers and thrown objects by an extremist ultra-Orthodox minority. They are often made unwelcome in synagogues when they come to pray and when they visit to soak in the atmosphere of the High Holy Days.

Reserve combat soldier returns from war protesting that he cannot marry his fiancée because of Orthodox marriage monopoly

Reserve combat soldier returns from war protesting that he cannot marry his fiancée because of Orthodox marriage monopoly

Yet another heartbreaking story about an Israeli couple unable to marry in Israel because of the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate's monopoly on marriage. The answer is simple: freedom of marriage!

Religion's pervasive role in Operation Protective Edge

Religion's pervasive role in Operation Protective Edge

Operation Protective Edge was accompanied by several occurences that signify opportunities for progress as well as serious challenges that must be addressed.

Is Tel Aviv still known for its draft-dodgers? It's worth a re-examination

Is Tel Aviv still known for its draft-dodgers? It's worth a re-examination

Once known for its allegedly low enlistment rates, Tel Aviv high school graduates have one of the highest IDF draft levels in Israel.

Hiddush expresses fury over gender-segregated shelters at rabbinical court

Hiddush expresses fury over gender-segregated shelters at rabbinical court

Gender segregation in the bomb shelter of an Ashdod Rabbinical Court building is a potentially fatal reminder of the need to criminalize the exclusion of women in the public sector.

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