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What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

78% are opposed to the blanket exemption of the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

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No Increase In Oversight of Yeshivas

No Increase In Oversight of Yeshivas

Education minister promised half a year ago to beef up supervision at haredi schools, but nothing was done. No sign of new inspectors for the independent school networks

Hiddush: High cost of Haredi support

Hiddush: High cost of Haredi support

A review by Hiddush – Religious Freedom for Israel has found that the government added more than a billion shekels to items that haredi parties hold dear

Regev: Hoffman’s arrest – a black day for democracy

Regev: Hoffman’s arrest – a black day for democracy

The chairwoman of Women of the Wall was taken in for police questioning after holding a prayer minyan at the start of the Jewish month of Tevet

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