Search results for tag " conversion"

  • “Who is a Jew” is Back!
    Written by on 02/12/2022
    In recent days, there have been reports in the media from the coalition negotiation rooms that the Likud has accepted the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to change the law in a way that will prevent those who converted in Israel outside the Chief Rabbinate from receiving recognition as Jews, even at the civil level. This is not only a change to a long-standing ruling recognizing Reform and Conservative conversions in Israel, but also a step that is directed against Modern Orthodox conversions from the past few years, which are aimed at facilitating conversions of immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

  • Only 40% support leaving conversion under Chief Rabbinate
    Written by on 18/05/2021
    In honor of the Jewish festival of Shavuot, Hiddush - for Freedom of Religion and Equality commissioned a public opinion survey to examine the attitudes of Israel’s adult Jewish public on the matter of conversion.

  • The Court conversion ruling and the elections
    Written by on 18/03/2021
    Non-Orthodox conversion and the Supreme Court are playing a key role in these elections, especially in the election propaganda of the ultra-Orthodox parties.

  • What they said about the landmark Court ruling
    Written by Uri Regev on 05/03/2021
    The Supreme Court was kind to Israel in issuing its ruling this week on the matter of the eligibility under the Law of Return for Reform and Conservative Conversions performed in Israel. Opponents of recognizing non-Orthodox converts rushed to condemn the Court and criticize it for not waiting another few weeks or months, after having waited 15 years, until after the next Knesset elections. However, the truth is that the ruling is of great importance in helping the public decide whom to vote for and what direction it wants the State of Israel to grow. It wasn’t the the verdict itself, which is important, but rather the violent [verbal] reactions , not yet physical] that erupted from the very moment it was published and the political demarcations that divide the responding camps.

  • The friend of my enemy is my enemy
    Written by on 04/03/2021
    Most people are familiar with the expression “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” – it dates back to the 4th century BCE, and one compelling example of its relevance is the case of the USSR partnering with the Western European nations and United States to defeat the Nazis. A more recent compelling example is the increasing closeness of the Gulf States to Israel, as Iran, a common enemy, threatens them both.

  • A Four-Way Circus – the Conversion Battle
    Written by Uri Regev on 26/11/2020
    By Monday, the State Attorney’s Office is required to update the Supreme Court as to where the government is with regard to the “Who is a Jew?” issue in the context of a number of pending cases that have been before the Supreme Court for many years.

  • Messing with the Law of Return again
    Written by on 27/08/2020
    MK Smotrich's bill seeks to limit the horizons of Judaism and close the gates of conversion to the largest Jewish denominations of the Diaspora

  • The “Who is a Jew” War is Back!
    Written by on 18/06/2020
    Join us for two upcoming webinars on the “Who is a Jew” saga, which is returning to center political and legal stage.

  • Revolutionary conversion ruling?
    Written by Uri Regev on 20/09/2018
    Haredi opposition threatens Israeli democracy, the rule of law, the judciary's independence, and the partnership between Israel and world Jewry

  • Court requires Interior Ministry to recognize a private conversion
    Written by Uri Regev on 13/09/2018
    Hiddush responds to court ruling, instructing the Israeli Interior Ministry to formally recognize the Jewish identity of a woman who underwent a private Orthodox conversion

  • IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court
    Written by on 19/06/2018
    As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

  • The Lesson For Diaspora Jews In Israel’s Deplorable Conversion Law
    Written by on 05/06/2018
    The best that can be said about the proposed State Conversion Bill is that it is destined to be thrown away into the waste bin that Israeli politics has designated for the recommendations of committees appointed mostly to put out political fires. The proposal is not only a slap in the face, disguised with a smile, to the non-Orthodox streams, but it also angers the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) politicians.

  • Inching closer to the next "Who is a Jew" explosion
    Written by Uri Regev on 24/05/2018
    This week, additional information leaked as to the nature of Moshe Nissim's recommendations regarding a new conversion bill. As our readers may remember, Moshe Nissim was appointed by PM Netanyahu to do damage control after Diaspora Jewry’s uproar last June when the government ceded to the demands of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a conversion bill aimed at preempting a pluralistic Supreme Court ruling in a pending case. This bill would further entrench the Orthodox monopoly over conversions performed in Israel.

  • The conversion draft bill is a land mine!
    Written by Uri Regev on 24/04/2018
    "The minefields of Israel's religion and state arena and Israel-Diaspora relations will explode in the coming days," Rabbi Uri Regev responded to reports about the upcoming legislative initiative on conversion, based on the recommendations of former minister Moshe Nissim.

  • Conversion compromise postponed - again.
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/12/2017
    Efforts to draft a compromise agreement between the Haredi political parties and the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel over the issue of Jewish conversion will not be finished before a six-month deadline arrives at the end of this month.


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