Let Marriage Freedom Ring! Let Marriage Freedom Ring!

Hiddush's video on marriage freedom in Israel

Conversion in Israel: Three Comments Conversion in Israel: Three Comments

Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch praised Israel’s Supreme Court for its landmark ruling this week requiring that people who converted to Judaism in Israel under the auspices of Reform and Conservative rabbis be recognized as Jews and eligible for citizenship under the Law of Return — and warned of the ferocious political battles to come.

Sabbath public transport in Israel - a sea change? Sabbath public transport in Israel - a sea change?

In Israel, public transport on the Sabbath hasn't been available since the founding of the state in those communities that are majority Jewish; but today we may be standing on the cusp of dramatic political change. Rabbi Uri Regev explains.

Uri Regev, Religious Pluralism in Israel on L'Chayim Uri Regev, Religious Pluralism in Israel on L'Chayim

Rabbi Uri Regev, President and CEO of Hiddush which promotes freedom of observance and equality in Israel, discusses the problems of marital laws in the State of Israel due to the control of the Orthodox establishment. L'Chayim with Mark S. Golub.

L'Chayim: Uri Regev - Coalition and Orthodox L'Chayim: Uri Regev - Coalition and Orthodox

Uri Regev, President & CEO of “Hiddush – For Freedom of Religion and Equality,” explains why PM Netanyahu's deals with ultra-Orthodox parties to win their coalition support hurts Israeli democracy and threatens American Jewry's relationship to Israel.

Litzman: Women, not men, should work Litzman: Women, not men, should work

Deputy Health Minister Litzman: Men need not work - Women and the State can pay the bills

Gender Segregation Gender Segregation

Rabbi Uri Regev speaks to the Real News

Featured Story

Acuteness of Conflicts and Tensions in Jewish Israeli Society

Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024

The government is acting against the will of the public in all matters related to religion and state

Democracy & Rights

Extremism and outright deceit

Extremism and outright deceit

A picture is worth a thousand words. This photo, which was posted by the Women of the Wall, show the Chairwoman of WOW Anat Hoffman and its former director Lesley Sachs sitting on the ground and protecting the Torah scroll, which they intended on bringing into the women’s section of the Kotel so that their fellow worshippers could read from the Torah during this Rosh Chodesh service, which they have been holding, without fail, for over thirty years.

Democracy & Rights

“Reform” as a generic invective

“Reform” as a generic invective

On the eve of Sukkot, the cover of the Shas party’s newspaper “HaDerekh” featured an interview with the party leader, Rabbi Aryeh Deri as the lead article. The first item, in order and in importance, they chose to highlight was the delegitimization of the "Reformers" (i.e. Reform Jews).

Democracy & Rights

The Haredi vitriol: An ongoing saga

The Haredi vitriol: An ongoing saga

In the last newsletter, we wrote about “the obsession that characterizes the attitude of the ultra-Orthodox parties towards the non-Orthodox denominations in particular, and to freedom of religion and Jewish pluralism in general.”