Uri Regev

Latest stories by Uri Regev

Jerusalem Post Op-ed: It's time to retire the Chief Rabbinate

Jerusalem Post Op-ed: It's time to retire the Chief Rabbinate

On July 24, a voting body made up of 150 rabbis, politicians and community leaders will decide who will be the next Sephardi and Ashkenazi chief rabbis of Israel. What is this coercive institution doing to Israeli Judaism?

Op-ed in the Washington Jewish Week: Not an Isolated Tragedy

Op-ed in the Washington Jewish Week: Not an Isolated Tragedy

Rabbi Uri Regev writes about the troubles that the American Jewish community are already facing in Israel as the government severly restricts Israelis and Jews rights to marry in the Jewish state.

Huffington Post Op-ed: Why Is It so Difficult for Jews to Marry in Israel?

Huffington Post Op-ed: Why Is It so Difficult for Jews to Marry in Israel?

Rabbi Uri Regev writes in the Huffington Post about the launching of the Freedom of Marriage World Map and Israel's severe restrictions on marriage.

A less spoken about angle: The threat Israel presents to Jewish peoplehood

A less spoken about angle: The threat Israel presents to Jewish peoplehood

In a publication of the Center for Jewish Peoplehood, Rabbi Uri Regev focuses on the damage to the sense of Peoplehood brought about by the lack of religious pluralism in Israel.

Where does Yesh Atid stand on freedom of marriage?

Where does Yesh Atid stand on freedom of marriage?

Yair Lapid and his party, Yesh Atid, have expressed support for Jewish pluralism in Israel in an unprecedented manner. However, they also endorsed Rabbi David Stav, a Religious-Zionist Rabbi from the Tzohar Rabbinic Organization, as the candidate for Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi. Yesh Atid and Rabbi Stav hold seemingly divergent views on pluralism and freedom of marriage in Israel. So how does this all add up?

Israel's Other Impending Election

Israel's Other Impending Election

David Stav Offers Illusion of Pluralism in Chief Rabbi Fight

Does Israel Need A Chief Rabbi?

Does Israel Need A Chief Rabbi?

The overwhelming majority of Israelis want to see its founding promises of "freedom of religion and conscience" and "equality regardless of religion" fully realized. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel, through is preventing that from happening.

US Jews must fight Israel’s policy on religious freedom

US Jews must fight Israel’s policy on religious freedom

Recent actions of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate threaten to divide the Jewish people and risk an anti-religious backlash against Judaism itself within the Jewish state. Of particular concern is the monopoly of the Chief Rabbinate over issues of personal status – particularly marriage, divorce, burial, and conversion to Judaism.

What was Eli Yishai thinking?

What was Eli Yishai thinking?

Eli Yishai's recent comparison of the Six Day War and the Second Lebanon War were not only offensive, they were just plain incorrect.

Human Rights Day in Israel

Human Rights Day in Israel

As we reflect on Human Rights Day, we are reminded of the dire need of Israel to acknowledge its failure in ensuring those promised in both the International Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of Independence of Israel itself.

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