They committed heresy against the Creator of the World
Today's liberal spiritual-terrorists - just like the Tower of Babel
The weekly Torah portion erupts like a volcano, just at the right time, for today’s spiritual-terrorists are operating with exactly the same methods as the generation of the Tower of Babel. The builders of Babel had a clear agenda, and they tried to forcibly force the whole world to accept it and act according to it.
Uri Regev 07/11/2019 23:17
Tags: public transport · public transportation · yeshiva students · equality · university students

A pyre, source:, Chas Redmond
The weekly Torah portion erupts like a volcano, just at the right time, for today’s spiritual-terrorists are operating with exactly the same methods as the generation of the Tower of Babel. The builders of Babel had a clear agenda, and they tried to forcibly force the whole world to accept it and act according to it. They were the "first Communists". As the Midrash says in Genesis Rabba 38:6: “They connect together in one partnership and one pocket for all.” They committed heresy against the Creator of the World and the Land was "of one speech".
Rashi explains: "They said, once every 1,656 years the sky collapses as it did during the flood, so let's support it." Instead of internalizing that Noah’s warning was fulfilled (and God brought the Great Flood) because they had filled the Land with violence, plunder, and abomination, the people sought explanations that were not supernatural.
They calculated and found that the flood came 1656 after the creation of the world, and so they concluded that every 1656 years a "natural disaster" would occur and the heavens had to be fortified. They had a heritical agenda and ideology, and they also tried to force it upon others. Whoever refused to go with the flow wouldn’t be exiled to freeze in Siberia… he would be thrown into a pit of fire!
Our Master the Netziv (may his holy, righteous memory be for a blessing) explains in [his Torah commentary, which is called] “Ha'amek Davar” the words “lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). Their concern was that no person should abandon this opinion and have an independent thought. Thus, there were overseers to ensure that nobody from their settlement would leave. And whoever deviated from the “one speech” they had among themselves was sentenced to be burned, as was done to Abraham our father. [An amazing analogy for what is happening now, for example, with Gur Hasidim who refuse to accept Sephardic students in their Ashkenazi girls’ seminaries. –UR]
The liberal terrorists that are building the modern Tower of Babel to wage war against God are behaving just like the generation of yore that was spread throughout the world. They have a twisted agenda that they fabricated for themselves, and they try to impose with social violence. They have thought police, and those who dare to think and express themselves differently are sentenced to burn in the auto-da-fé bonfire of public opinion. Even if you are the normal one who thinks just as your fathers and their fathers thought, you have to publicly declare that you are not. Media professionals are afraid to make their voices heard and toe the line. Politicians are afraid to express their views. Many singers, as in the case of Rabbi Firer, whose circle of supporters decided to hold a fundraising event to help him continue his extensive charitable activities, without women's singing, fear being confronted by liberal terrorism, for fear of damaging their "Enlightened Image", which is a scam, and fear of losing popularity.
University students, after all, pay tuition fees, do IDF service, reserve duty and enter the work force. In Jewish tradition, someone who says ‘what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine’ is described as an evil person.
This week, the ultra-Orthodox parties announced, as did the Zionist Orthodox Minister of Transportation, another step towards eliminating discrimination against yeshiva students and promoting equality: the discount given to university students for public transport will also be given to yeshiva students. Equality is our middle name. We believe in equality and promote equality, but is this really about equality?
Equalizing benefits should be done in conjunction with equalizing responsibilities, and equalizing other benefits as well, not just subsidized public transportation. University students, after all, pay tuition fees, do IDF service, reserve duty and enter the work force. In Jewish tradition, someone who says ‘what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine’ is described as an evil person. This is exactly what lies behind this recent partial amendment, which will benefit yeshiva students without equalizing their responsibilities to the rest of the general public. This is another example of the burglary of the public coffers at the expense of taxpayers to make it easier for yeshiva students not to find employment and not to contribute to the defense of the state.
As you can read HERE and HERE, those who compare the rights of yeshiva students to university students are the ones who are fighting against allowing students, most of whom do not own private cars, to make use of public transport on Saturdays. They are the ones who call the students demanding this simple right to public transport "traitors to the country" and "a national disaster." They battle against gender equality, against equality of religious rights for the non-Orthodox streams, against the right to pray at the Western Wall according to one’s beliefs, against the right of hundreds of thousands of citizens to marry in their state, against equality and competition in the kashrut supervision market, etc., etc.
It is indeed time for equality – equality in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, which promises religious freedom and conscience for all and equality regardless of religion. To achieve equality, there is no escape from the upheaval necessary to pull the ultra-Orthodox parties away from the state’s resources tap and away from forming legislation and policy on Judaism, and away from their being a true threat to authority of the civil courts. This must be done to undo the severe harm they cause to Jewish unity and to Israel's partnership with world Jewry.
Hiddush fights for equality, but true and complete equality, which is supported by most Israeli citizens and most of the world's Jews.