Search results for tag "United Torah Judaism"

  • L'Chayim: Uri Regev - Coalition and Orthodox
    Written by on 11/06/2015
    Uri Regev, President & CEO of “Hiddush – For Freedom of Religion and Equality,” explains why PM Netanyahu's deals with ultra-Orthodox parties to win their coalition support hurts Israeli democracy and threatens American Jewry's relationship to Israel.

  • The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses
    Written by on 27/05/2015
    We are pleased to present to you the analysis report prepared by Hiddush on the religion and state clauses in Israel's 2015 coalition agreements. The document deals with budgets matters; education; freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.

  • Rabbi John Rosove: The New Israeli Government and Ultra-Orthodox Parties
    Written by on 06/05/2015
    As he strives to form a government, Prime Minister Netanyahu is making deals with small parties in exchange for their support.

  • Ultra-Orthodox parties' history of voters' faith manipulation
    Written by on 22/12/2014
    Since 1988, the ultra-Orthodox parties have been promising rabbinic blessings, making threats and gifting "mystical" amulets to voters who commit to support them in the elections. The Knesset and the Supreme Court have set legal prohibitions against this, but the bribery and manipulation has continued.

  • Prepare for the return of the ultra-Orthodox parties
    Written by Shahar Ilan on 11/12/2014
    A simple analysis shows that the only significant change between the current government and the next one will be a replacement of the center-right government by a government comprising the right and the ultra-Orthodox parties. The centrist Yesh Atid party, led by former Finance Minister Yair Lapid, and the small HaTenua party led by former Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, will be replaced by the United Torah Judaism party and Shas.

  • The battle against illegal religious campaign tactics in Israel's municipal elections
    Written by on 17/10/2013
    Hiddush has filed complaints against several ultra-Orthodox parties and institutions for illegally using religious methods as a means to secure votes in the 2013 municipal elections.

  • What some MKs are actually saying about Reform rabbis
    Written by on 07/06/2012
    In the excitement of Israel's first step toward recognition of non-Orthodox rabbis, these appointments were met with disturbing reactions by both ultra-Orthodox and National Religious political leaders.

  • MK Eichler: Reform Jews worse than Arabs
    Written by on 05/03/2012
    Hiddush CEO, Rabbi Uri Regev: Eichler’s behavior reveals the sad truth of the ultra-Orthodox parties in the Israeli Knesset is deep hatred of the other, simply because they are other.

  • September 2010
    Written by on 29/01/2011
    Growing support for religious freedom as we enter 5771


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