Search results for tag " ultra-Orthodox"

  • Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    Anyone who thinks that ultra-Orthodox enlistment can be enforced through criminal sanctions and imprisonment is deluding themselves

  • Protecting the Rule of Law, Public Coffers and the Future of Israel
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    Hiddush filed a petition against the government's attempt to implement coalition agreements signed with the ultra-Orthodox parties

  • What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    78% are opposed to the blanket exemption of the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

  • Hiddush Challenges “Coalition Funds”
    Written by on 24/03/2024
    Hiddush submitted a petition against the attempt to transfer millions to the budget of the ultra-Orthodox school networks; and a petition that stopped the allocation of "Deri's food tickets"

  • 2023 Israel Religion and State Index – What do Israeli Jews Really Think?
    Written by on 21/03/2024
    The tension between ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews is one of the most significant internal conflicts in Israel, in the opinion of the Jewish public

  • A "Must Read" – Terminal Threat to Israel: An Economic Perspective
    Written by on 21/03/2024
    "Money Time in Israel" by Prof. Dan Ben David

  • Draft Them Now!
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    78% of the public supports canceling the existing exemption for the ultra-Orthodox

  • Equal in War as in Life
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    Old prejudices concern the capability of women to participate as equals in combat IDF units fade away in the current war

  • Raiders of the Public Coffers
    Written by on 17/12/2023
    The government and the Knesset approved billions for objectives that harm the country instead of strengthening it

  • New Religion and State Index 2023: Acute Tension Between ultra-Orthodox and Secular Jews
    Written by on 13/09/2023
    The tension between ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews and between the political right and the left are the most significant internal conflicts in Israel, far more than other internal tensions that tore Israeli society apart in the past

  • The conscription bluff
    Written by Uri Regev on 17/03/2022
    I did not come up with the title to this article. This was the title given by a well-known ultra-Orthodox commentator to an article he published this month in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper Yated Ne'eman.

  • Haredi leaders employing extortion by threats
    Written by on 05/01/2022
    On Tuesday, Hiddush filed a complaint against senior rabbis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism following their declaration that city rabbis who dare to act in accordance with the law after the adoption of a kashrut reform in the Knesset and certify food as kosher outside their city limits will have their kashrut certification banned everywhere, including in their own cities, and they will be considered as " having departed from the congregation of God and transgressing against the will of God." The declaration is signed by Rabbi Shalom Cohen, the spiritual leader of the Shas movement and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, the leaders of the ultra-Orthodox-Lithuanian community.

  • Secular Israelis prefer Arabs over Haredi Jews
    Written by on 24/12/2020
    Data from a new survey published in the media show that while only about half of secular Israelis (53%), were willing to live next door to ultra-Orthodox Israelis, 69% of them are willing to live next to Arabs!

  • Hiddush to petition Supreme Court if yeshivas open before state schools
    Written by on 15/10/2020
    Hiddush to Corona Cabinet and the other relevant authorities: We will appeal to the Supreme Court if you make an exception for ultra-Orthodox education and permit gender discrimination.

  • The Imminent Political/Legal Explosion
    Written by on 05/06/2020
    The ultra-Orthodox parties have pushed hard on the Prime Minister in their coalition negotiations. The amendment to the Draft Law is the only issue of religion and state relations that is spelled out in detail, not only in the agreements of the ultra-Orthodox parties with the Likud, but also in the Likud's agreement with Blue & White.


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