Progress and Success
Hiddush celebrates world Jewry's growing support for marriage freedom in Israel
Recent developments that promote freedom of marriage in Israel point to a renewed and strengthened partnership between Israeli and Diaspora communities and organizations.
02/07/2014 19:34
Tags: Freedom of marriage · civil marriage · iRep · JFNA · JPPI

Michael Siegel with GA co-Chairs Ronnie Douek and Michael and Susie Gelman Photo: AG for JFNA
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)'s recent decision to promote freedom of marriage marks an overwhelmingly positive paradigm shift in world Jewry's involvement in the struggle for freedom of religion in Israel. The JFNA's leadership, in early June, voted to adopt the organization's Global Planning Table's recommendations and employ the "Israel Religious Expressions Platform" (iRep), which will work with Israeli partner organizations to bring freedom of marriage to Israel.
Read the iRep executive summary here
Hiddush's role in this exciting initiative is representative of our greater invovlement in world Jewish efforts for freedom of marriage in Israel. Hiddush has identified world Jewry as a strategic partner for these efforts. The controversy surrounding marriage in Israel is an issue that existentialy impacts both Israelis and world Jewry alike. Given this understanding, Hiddush is the most active Israeli organization involved in garnering support and promoting advocacy among world Jewry for freedom of marriage efforts in Israel.
At the JFNA's General Assembly in Jerusalem last November, Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev participated in a workshop which explored the challenge of marriage freedom in Israel, especially as it impacts world Jewry. The discussion which took place between Rabbi Regev and the other participants at the GA was contributed to the creation of iRep in this current form.
To fully realize the worthy goal of freedom of religion and equality for Israel – active participation and support of world Jewry is essential.
The growing call for freedom of marriage in Israel among world Jewry is not limited to the JFNA, however. The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), a Jerusalem-based think tank, released its final, comprehensive, report, detailing world Jewry's perspectives on Israel's standing as a Jewish and democratic state.
The report highlights issues of religion and state, including freedom of religion and freedom of marriage, as major areas of concern among world Jewry. This report provides a serious boost to Hiddush's activities and greatly strengthens the call for Israel-Diaspora partnership to advance religious freedom and equality.
Read the JPPI report here
We are extremely encouraged and happy to see the momentum of world Jewry's support for marriage freedom picking up, and proud to be an active partner in bringing this crucial message to the American Jewish community.
Freedom of marriage is a key element in Hiddush's commitment to Jewish Peoplehood and strengthening Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. To fully realize the worthy goal of freedom of religion and equality for Israel – active participation and support of world Jewry is essential.