Report on Gender-Segregated Buses Segregation 2010
2,500 Gender-Segregated Bus Rides a Day
15/03/2010 17:41
Tags: Segregated buses · Haredim · Hiddush Reports · Gender discrimination

Women's organizations activists sitting in the front of the segregated buses. 30.09.2009. Photography: Shiran Dadon
The Hiddush report on sex-segregated buses describes a bad situation. Bus lines that discriminate against women are not a rare phenomenon in Israel but a prevalent trend that has spread across the country – in the north, the center and the south – with the help of the Transportation Ministry.
The companies that provide public transportation are also to blame for this situation, which is particularly problematic in Beitar Illit, since anyone who wants to get there by public transit is forced to use a segregated bus. Those who want to reach Jerusalem from certain outlying areas must also contend with the discrimination represented by the segregated buses, which in some cases are the only direct means of public transit.
See Hiddush's complete report on this discrimination here