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Chief Rabbi Yosef: Science, math are nonsense

Chief Rabbi Yosef: Science, math are nonsense

Every week we receive reminders that the Chief Rabbinate's institution poses a danger to the State of Israel. This time it is the Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, the son of the late Chief Rabbi and Shas leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

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Israelis turn away from marrying in the Rabbinate

Israelis turn away from marrying in the Rabbinate

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) recent release shows that while the Jewish population in Israel grows, the number of couples that marry under the auspices of the Chief Rabbinate is significantly and consistently dropping!

Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists

Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists

Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

This week, Hiddush received a statement from the Office of the Attorney General, confirming that our request had been received and that detailed instructions had been given to the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, regarding the official restrictions imposed upon him in his handling of kashrut issues due to a conflict of interest.

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate is a threat to Jewish unity and democracy

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate is a threat to Jewish unity and democracy

Last week, Israel’s Sephardic chief rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, explained a point of ritual by likening a black child born to white parents to a “monkey.” Immediately following the publication of his racist remarks, a storm erupted. It was widely broadcast, including by JTA, Newsweek and the Palestinian media.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef uses pejorative term 'kushi' for African Americans in weekly sermon

Chief Rabbinate refuses to recognize Orthodox marriage

Chief Rabbinate refuses to recognize Orthodox marriage

Noam Oren and his wife married in a religious ceremony, but authorities refuse to recognize it due to their insistence on protecting each other from potential divorce refusal.

Tzohar enters the kashrut certification market

Tzohar enters the kashrut certification market

An important chapter in the ongoing saga of religion and state has been written in Israel this week. In a widely covered press conference, the Zionist Orthodox Tzohar rabbinic organization announced that it is launching a kosher supervising entity that will compete with the Chief Rabbinate and offer the Israeli food industry an alternative supervision more convenient than that of the state.

Another nail in the Chief Rabbinate's coffin

Another nail in the Chief Rabbinate's coffin

Hiddush welcomes the announcement that Tzohar rabbis will be entering the kashrut certification market with its own private certification in direct competition with the Chief Rabbinate's state empowered monopoly. This religiously coercive monopoly is unparalleled in the democratic world.

Chief Rabbinate once again seeks out Non-kosher Jews

Chief Rabbinate once again seeks out Non-kosher Jews

Rabbi Uri Regev was interviewed by the Israeli Russian language news portal “Detaly” on the matter of the Chief Rabbinate’s recently uncovered initiative to enshrine in law its right to compile a list of persons whose Jewish statuses are doubtful by its standards.

Corruption in the name of God

Corruption in the name of God

In the last couple days, a new chapter was added to the never ending saga of Israeli religious leaders who view the law as merely a suggestion. Whether for personal benefit or political opportunism, they do not hesitate to deviate from law and common norms.

Hiddush in pursuit of legal justice

Hiddush in pursuit of legal justice

Hiddush just scored a victory in the Jerusalem District Court in a freedom-of-information case, involving a huge amount of governmental grant monies, exceeding one hundred million NIS, provided to mostly Orthodox religious outreach organizations by multiple governmental agencies

Former chief rabbi calls Reform Jews worse than Holocaust deniers

Former chief rabbi calls Reform Jews worse than Holocaust deniers

The chief rabbi of Jerusalem, Shlomo Amar, called Reform Jews worse than Holocaust deniers because they reject traditional Jewish law.

FAKE NEWS? LIBA declares 71% Israelis prefer to marry via Rabbinate!

FAKE NEWS? LIBA declares 71% Israelis prefer to marry via Rabbinate!

The LIBA Center, which proclaims to be "dedicated to strengthening the Jewish Character of the State of Israel" once again demonstrated how to mislead the public by means of statistics.

The Chief Rabbinate's recently divulged

The Chief Rabbinate's recently divulged "blacklist"

If the Israeli government's recent suspension of the Kotel compromise and push for a restrictive conversion bill were not enough, Israel and the Jewish world woke up this week to yet a newly leaked "blacklist" created by Israel's Chief Rabbinate.

81% support ending the Chief Rabbinate's kashrut monopoly

81% support ending the Chief Rabbinate's kashrut monopoly

Most of the Jewish Israeli public supports granting kashrut certification to restaurants that operate on Saturdays (Shabbat). The High Court once again finds itself dealing with the rotten fruits of Israeli politics, who give in over and over again to the religious parties' dictates, against the wishes of the majority of the Israeli public.


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