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Is the Orthodox Halacha in the USA different than it is in Israel?

Is the Orthodox Halacha in the USA different than it is in Israel?

The Halacha is the Halacha is the Halacha!

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First woman ever appointed as legal advisor to rabbinical courts

First woman ever appointed as legal advisor to rabbinical courts

We at Hiddush are delighted by the appointment of Attorney Shira Ben-Eli as legal advisor to Israel's rabbinical courts.

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest

This week, Hiddush received a statement from the Office of the Attorney General, confirming that our request had been received and that detailed instructions had been given to the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, regarding the official restrictions imposed upon him in his handling of kashrut issues due to a conflict of interest.

The Vile Bond of Religion & Politics

The Vile Bond of Religion & Politics

In a secret recording that was broadcast on Israeli television, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni explains to the leadership of his party why they voted for the Nation-State Law and what his real opinion of the law is.

Unlike the Government - Israelis support religious freedom and equality

Unlike the Government - Israelis support religious freedom and equality

This week, two important events occurred, and Hiddush provided special public opinion polling and analysis on the core issues that arose:

81% support same-sex marriage or couples' registrations

81% support same-sex marriage or couples' registrations

Most of the public supports the state's recognition of same-sex marriage and their right to have children.

Record support for freedom of choice in marriage!

Record support for freedom of choice in marriage!

70% of Israel's adult Jewish population wants the State of Israel to recognize all forms of marriage, including civil marriage and Reform and Conservative weddings. Most of the public wants legal alternatives to marriage via the Rabbinate!

The Nation-state Law: The religion-state angle

The Nation-state Law: The religion-state angle

The Nation-state Law has captured the headlines for quite some time now, culminating in its adoption by the Knesset yesterday. There are a number of facets to this bill, which should be highlighted as far as matters of religion-state and Israel-Diaspora relations are concerned.

Netanyahu about-faces on gay surrogacy rights

Netanyahu about-faces on gay surrogacy rights

The surrogacy bill, enacted by a vote of 59 to 52, expands eligibility for state-supported surrogacy to include single women but excludes single men and gay couples. Until now the right has only been extended to married, heterosexual couples.

Hiddush represents Masorti rabbi arrested for conducting wedding

Hiddush represents Masorti rabbi arrested for conducting wedding

At 5:30 AM on July 19th, two policemen knocked on the Haifa apartment of Dubi Haiyun, Rabbi of the Conservative congregation in Haifa. This followed orders given to the police by the Haifa rabbinic court, which alleged that Rabbi Haiyun was in breach of criminal law regarding a wedding he conducted.

Four questions and answers about the draft law

Four questions and answers about the draft law

An analysis of the much-debated haredi draft law.

Chabad's illegal outreach at Ben Gurion Airport

Chabad's illegal outreach at Ben Gurion Airport

Chabad Lubavitch is a unique phenomenon in Jewish history and the Jewish community. Much can and should be said in their praise, but at the same time, it should be recognized that both theologically and operationally they are highly controversial.

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

Hiddush criticizes the  Defense Ministry's recommendations

Hiddush criticizes the Defense Ministry's recommendations

These recommendations push off the recruitment of yeshiva students until the next government and turn responsibility over to the High Court of Justice. The irony is that even this will be rejected by the ultra-Orthodox parties.

The Lesson For Diaspora Jews In Israel’s Deplorable Conversion Law

The Lesson For Diaspora Jews In Israel’s Deplorable Conversion Law

The best that can be said about the proposed State Conversion Bill is that it is destined to be thrown away into the waste bin that Israeli politics has designated for the recommendations of committees appointed mostly to put out political fires. The proposal is not only a slap in the face, disguised with a smile, to the non-Orthodox streams, but it also angers the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) politicians.

Inching closer to the next

Inching closer to the next "Who is a Jew" explosion

This week, additional information leaked as to the nature of Moshe Nissim's recommendations regarding a new conversion bill. As our readers may remember, Moshe Nissim was appointed by PM Netanyahu to do damage control after Diaspora Jewry’s uproar last June when the government ceded to the demands of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a conversion bill aimed at preempting a pluralistic Supreme Court ruling in a pending case. This bill would further entrench the Orthodox monopoly over conversions performed in Israel.

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